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B7: Device and system performance
Recently, great progresses have been achieved in developing high performance thermoelectric materials. However, for the practical applications of thermoelectric conversion technology, especially for thermoelectric power generation, one faces big challenges such as realization of high conversion efficiency, reliable service behavior, scalable assembly with competitive cost, and so on. Beyond the design optimization of structural geometry and using high ZT materials, lowering interfacial thermal and electrical resistances is the most critical technical issue for achieving high conversion efficiency. The service behavior, mainly regarding the structural stability and the performance degradation at high temperatures and under large temperature gradients, is determined by complex factors including the intrinsic stability of TE materials, the resistance of device components to the harsh environment (such as oxidation, element sublimation, large temperature drop, vibration, etc.), and the system compatibility with TE devices. In this talk, recent efforts on skutterudite and bismuth telluride based device fabrication for power generation will be presented. The technical issues on device measurement, especially on evaluating the output performance, service behavior, and life period prediction will be also reviewed.