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A2: Medium temperature materials
Filled skutterudite is one of the promising materials for thermoelectric power generation because its ZT value is relatively high. How to mass produce the skutterudite materials is a problem to be solved. Here, we report that large size pellets of p-type (La, Ba, Ga, Ti)x(Fe, Co)4Sb12 and n-type (Yb, Ca, Al, Ga, In)y(Co, Fe)4Sb12 skutterudites with diameters of 100mm to 200mm were successfully fabricated by spark plasma sintering method and their thermoelectric properties reached p-ZT=0.7 and n-ZT=0.9. Compared with p-ZT=0.75 and n-ZT=1.0 of their small pellets with the diameter of 30mm, the ZT values of the large pellets are still low. Therefore, the fabrication process needs to be further improved.