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B7: Device and system performance

M. Nedelcu1, J. Schroeder2, M. Apostol3
1PulseTEG Co- Bucharest RO, 2Up Start Co.-Tx USA, 3Atomic Physics Institute-Magurele, RO

Novel technology to increase the thermoelectric efficiency at minimum 25% for delta T > 200C and integration it into TE generators pulse operated will be presented. Thermoelectric materials are based on bulk Bi-Sb-Te-Se alloys and a new design of TE generators able to be pulse operated will be used.

Technical barriers of decreased conversion efficiency met in traditional TE generators will be lifted by using “ultra-fast” electrical pulses [1] and customized operating regime [2] of such thermoelectric devices. As heat source can be used any heating technology using gas , liquid or solid fuel, isotopic heating source or sun concentrators etc. Regarding the assembling of TE devices, novel method will be applied for minimizing thermal dissipation [3]. In this paper will be presented so, the thermoelectric efficiency obtained on a 5 kW thermoelectric generator [4] and will be described the principal direction to design a thermoelectric generator able to deliver a hundred kW electrical power.


[1] M. Apostol, M. Nedelcu, “Ultrafast thermoelectric conduction”, IEEE Proc. 20th Int. Conf. Thermoelectricity, Beijing, China 2001, p.42

[2] M Apostol, M Nedelcu, “Pulsed thermoelectricity”, J. Appl. Phys. 108 023702, (2010)

[3] Pulsed Thermoelectric Machine. M. Nedelcu M. Apostol,  J. G. Stockholm, Proceedings of IX Conference Polish Ceramic Society – Zakopane Sept.

[4] Schroeder US patent: N° US 8,101,846