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A1: Low temperature materials
For decades heavy-Fermion compounds have been studied to understand the nature of their highly correlated electron behavior at low-temperatures. However, few studies have systematically evaluated their potential as thermoelectric materials. Since most of these compounds exhibit reasonably high electrical conductivity and a sizable peak in thermopower at low temperature, a reduction in thermal conductivity may increase their thermoelectric figure-of-merit (ZT). In this study, we employ the approach of mechanical nanostructuring to reduce thermal conductivity of the two heavy-Fermion compounds CeCu6 and CeAl3. Temperature dependent (5 – 300 K) thermoelectric properties of the two compounds will be discussed. Our results highlight the importance of these compounds as potential p-type thermoelectric materials for low-temperature cooling applications.
We gratefully acknowledge funding for this work by the Department of Defense, United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research’s MURI program under contract FA9550-10-1-0533.