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C1: Waste heat recovery
Up-to-date, the thermoelectric performance of p-type skutterudites lags that of the corresponding n-type materials. In this work, we report improved thermoelectric performance of triple filled p-type skutterudites. The samples were synthesized by hot pressing nano-powder made by ball milling annealed ingots of CaxCeyNdyFe4-zCozSb12 with varying concentration of x, y, and z. By suitably tuning the fillers concentration and Fe/Co ratio, we achieved a lower thermal conductivity (~2 W m-1 K-1 at room temperature and ~2.6 W m-1 K-1 at 535 oC) and a high power factor (~35 mW cm-1 K-2 at 475 oC), leading to a peak ZT of about 1.1 at 475 oC. The observed lower thermal conductivity can be attributed to a broad range of phonon scattering due to multiple fillers and the enhanced mobility due to the lightness of Ca leading to a high power factor.