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C4: Generators

Jan D. König, Jana Heuer, Alexandre Jacquot, Karina Tarantik, Kilian Bartholomé
Fraunhofer IPM Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques, Thermoelectric energy Converters, Heidenhofstrasse 8, 79110 Freiburg, Germany

Half Heusler, Skutterudites, Lead Salts and Silicides are the most promising thermoelectric materials for mid temperature applications regarding waste heat recovery. Over the last years a lot of efforts have been put into the development of thermoelectric materials and a great success has been obtained. Also the material synthesis was scaled up in the kg-range which is important for a successful TEG development. Here different contact fabrication strategies for the above mentioned materials and progress on the development of modules for mid temperature application up to 550 °C are presented. The developed thermoelectric generators are shown and compared. The state of the art module performances are presented as well as cycling and stability test results.