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A1: Low temperature materials

A. A. Melnikov1,2, S. A. Kichik2, A. N. Koryakin2, V. F. Ponomarev2, V. V. Alenkov2
1National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"2Crystal Ltd. 

Melt spinning is a material obtaining process, based on ultrafast cooling and solidification of melt in contact with liquid cooled rotating wheel. In this work p-Bi0,5Sb1,5Te3 powders are obtained and their structural properties are studied. Powders were compacted by spark plasma sintering at various temperature conditions, and then the changes in their structural and dimensional characteristics were investigated. Orientations, form of the crystallites, texture, anisotropy coefficients were indentified in obtained samples. Also, degree of recristallization were estimated and compared with standart crystallized materials.