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A2: Medium temperature materials
Previously we developed a p-type skutterudite (La, Ba, Ga, Ti)x(Fe, Co)4Sb12 (x=0.8-1.0) with the peak dimensionless figure of merit (ZT) value of around 0.7. Here we replace the La with Pr in order to improve the ZT value. We find that the thermoelectric properties of the Pr filled p-type skutterudites are superior to those of La filled ones, whose highest ZT value reaches 0.8 at 450℃,10% higher than that of the La-filled skutterudite. The reduction of thermal conductivity contributes to the higher ZT value, meaning that the Pr has better phonon scatting effect than La. Besides, it is found that there is optimum concentration of the Pr in (Pr, Ba, Ga, Ti) x(Fe, Co)4Sb12 system when the amount of other elements is fixed, which corresponds to the best thermoelectric performance. Changing the Pr content from its optimum concentration will reduce the thermoelectric performance.