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A2: Medium temperature materials

Chiachan Hsu1, Tsehsiao Lee1, Hsushen Chu1, Jenndong Hwang1, Hungchang Hsu2, Tsaikun Huang2 and Jingyi Huang2
1Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, 2China Steel Corporation, Taiwan

Lead telluride, PbTe, based materials have promising thermoelectric properties around a range of middle temperature. In this study, the samples were prepared by hot-pressing under the pressure of 50 MPa at 550 ℃ for 60 minutes. The thermoelectric properties were obtained in the temperature range of 25-500℃ and the mechanical properties were determined using nanoindentation with a Berkovich diamond tip at room temperature. The hardness and elastic modulus are 0.7 GPa and 58 GPa, respectively, and the highest figure of merit value (ZT) was 1.5 at 500℃.