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A5: Nanoscale and low dimensional effects
Thermoelectric performance of conducting polymer have attracted great attention due to their low intrinsic thermal conductivity and good electrical conductivity, especially for polyaniline (PANi) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxthiophene) (PEDOT). PEDOT has yielded a great ZT by an accurate control of the oxidation level and achieved a higher ZT with poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) at room temperature. For PANi, its electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient are strongly dependent on the doping ionic type and concentration. The de-doping process can efficiently increase the Seebeck coefficient of PANi with the reduction of electrical conductivity. The combination of PEDOT:PSS and PANi may be a good strategy to improve the performance of organic thermoelectric material. In our work, we prepared the PEDOT:PSS-doped PANi nanowise (PANi-NW/PEDOT:PSS) composite material with the second dopant of DMSO. PANi nanowise (PANi-NW) was obtained using ammonium persulfate as an oxidant based on the previous report. We found that PEDOT:PSS obviously enhanced the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient of PANi-NW. Moreover, they gradually increase as the increasing PEDOT:PSS in PANi-NW and reach its maximum at 30 wt.% PEDOT:PSS (20 S cm-1). After adding DMSO, the electrical conductivity of PANi-NW/PEDOT:PSS (30 wt.% PEDOT:PSS) shows a slight increase. Also, no significant difference can be observed for Seebeck coefficient. Interestingly, the de-doped PANi-NW with PEDOT:PSS (30 wt.% PEDOT:PSS + 10 vol.% DMSO) yield a higher Seebeck coefficient (~15 μV K-1) than doped PANi-NW/PEDOT:PSS (~5 μV K-1). Therefore, the Seebeck coefficient of de-doped PANi-NW has good adjustability, but this composite strategy for thermoelectric performance improvement, to be further assessment and experimental.