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A3: High temperature materials
Filled skutterudites are the most potential thermoelectric (TE) materials because they not only have excellent TE properties but also show excellent mechanical properties, necessary for TE modules. The highest ZT values for both p- and n-type skutterudites have been renewed continuously, recently reaching ZT = 1.2 for double or multifilled p-type and ZT = 1.7 for multi filled n-type skutterudites. These high values could be increased after severe plastic deformation (SPD) via high pressure torsion (HPT) to ZT ~ 1.3 and ZT ~ 1.9 respectively, however, achieving comparable ZT values for p- and n-type skutterudites is crucial for improving the conversion efficiency of TE devices.
In this paper - using fast and easy preparation methods - we will show the development of excellent p-type skutterudites (ZT approaching 1.5) via
a) Fe/Co and Fe/Ni as well as Sb/Ge and Sb/Ni substitution
b) the choice of the perfect fillers and filling levels
c) nano-structuring
d) severe plastic deformation using high pressure torsion.