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A3: High temperature materials
The presentation will comprise a systematic information on clathrate formation, crystal structure, bonding and structure-property relations in multicomponent clathrate type I solid solutions with transition metals T: {Sr,Ba}8Tx{Si,Ge}46-x-yy ( stands for a vacancy). Physical properties have been evaluated with respect to thermoelectric applications. Particularly the stability of clathrates of type I has been investigated in the systems with T = Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au, Zn and Cd. Whereas Barium is able to form stable type I clathrates Ba8Tx{Si,Ge}46-x-yy with all of these T elements, Strontium can only form clathrates with Copper and Zinc in case of a Germanium framework, but Strontium is unable to form stable clathrates of type I for Silicon-based frameworks. Density functional theory calculations were employed to shed light on the stability of the Ba,Sr clathrate solutions with Si- and Ge-cages. Ground state energy calculations can furthermore explain the phase relations found for the ternary systems Sr – {Ni, Cu, Zn} – Ge.