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A4: Theory - bulk materials
Bi2Te3 has long been known as the one of the best thermoelectric materials: Alloys of Bi2Te3 have figure of merit, ZTmax≈1, while its nanostructured alloys have measured ZTmax = 1.4 [1]. Recent ab initio calculations have also noted the large anisotropy in the Bi2Te3 acoustic velocities, an important consideration in assessing thermal conductivty reduction due to nanograin boundary scattering[2]. Here we present first principles calculations of the thermal and thermal transport properties of Bi2Te3, including heat capacity, Cp, thermal expansion coefficient, a, phonon linewidths and lattice thermal conductivity, kL. We employ a newly developed [3] ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) approach to calculate harmonic and anharmonic interatomic forces at each temperature, which is particularly appropriate for highly anharmonic materials such as Bi2Te3. This is combined with a full iterative solution of the Boltzmann transport equation for phonons [4]. The calculated Cp and a show good agreement with measured data. The calculated kL also nicely matches measured values, with a relatively large contribution being found for the optic phonon branches. These kL results are compared with those obtained using T=0K IFCs determined soley from minimizing the total energy. This work highlights the power of the AIMD approach to accurately determine the thermal properties of thermoelectric materials.
[1] B. Poudel et al., Science 320, 634 (2008).
[2] Xin Chen, David Parker and David Singh, Phys. Rev. B 87, 045317 (2013).
[3] Olle Hellman and I. A. Abrikosov, Phys. Rev. B 88, 144301 (2013).
[4] D. A. Broido, M. Malorny, G. Birner, N. Mingo and D. A. Stewart., Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 231922 (2007).