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A4: Theory - bulk materials
As it was shown in Ref [1-4], the nonequilibrium charge carriers, i.e., recombination, must be taken into account in general case when one want to investigate the thermoelectric phenomena: Peltier or Seebeck effect.
In the same time, as it was shown in Ref. [5, 6], the presence of nonequilibrium charge carriers (recombination) is the source of temperature gradient occurrence. It means that we have the thermoelectric phenomena.
Hence, studying the thermoelectric phenomena, both the temperature gradient and the nonequilibrium charge carriers (recombination), which are interdependent [6], must be taken into account.
It follows from the stationary energy balance equation in semiconductors in a linear approximation with respect to perturbation [5], and from the continuity equations for electrons and holes,
djn,p/dx=±eR ( jn (jp) is the electron (hole) electrical current, e is the hole charge, R is the rate of recombination), that the recombination is proportional to the second derivative of the temperature with respect to a coordinate,
Hence, studying the thermoelectric phenomena, the temperature is nonlinear function with respect to coordinate in a linear approximation with respect to perturbation.
1. Yu. G. Gurevich, O. Yu. Titov, G. N. Logvinov, and O. I. Lyubimov, Phys. Rev. B, 51, 6999 (1995)
2. Yu. G. Gurevich, G. N. Logvinov, I. N. Volovichev, G. Espejo, O. Yu. Titov, A. Meriuts, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 231, 278 (2002)
3. I. Lashkevych, C. Cortes, Yu. G. Gurevich, J. Appl. Phys., 105, 053706 (2009)
4. Yu. G. Gurevich and J. E. Velázquez-Pérez, J. Appl. Phys., 114, 033704 (2013)
5. Yuri G. Gurevich, Igor Lashkevych, Int. J. Thermophys., 34, 341 (2013)
6. Igor Lashkevych, Oleg Titov, and Yuri G. Gurevich, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 27, 055014 (2012)