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A2: Medium temperature materials
The confluence of energy demands and environmental preservation has spurred research into renewable technologies that will allow for an eventual transition away from fossil fuels as the primary source of energy. One such avenue lies in the area of thermoelectrics(TE). Recently, CuInTe2, a member of ternary I–III–VI2 compounds with diamond-like structure (I = Cu, Ag; III = Al, Ga, In; VI = S,Se,Te)has been reported to show promising TE properties due to the extremely low thermal conductivity. In this study, we report the rapid fabrication of CuIn1-xYbxTe2 compounds(x=0,0.02,0.05,0.1) via home-made melt-spinning method, which is assembled into the glove box with high energy ball milling. By employing this integrated synthesis system, comparing with the tradition solid states method, the processing time of nanostructured CuIn1-xYbxTe2 compounds is reduced at a large degree. Furthermore, Yb doping is expected to form an effective band convergence of light and heavy valence band, leading to the increase of overall density of state and therefore the Seebeck coefficient. The enhanced thermoelectric performance coupled with the dramatically reduced processing time will be of considerable significance to the commercial-scale production of CuInTe2-based thermoelectric materials.