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A2: Medium temperature materials
Skutterudites are promising thermoelectric materials for their application at intermediate-temperatures because the substitution of a transition metal controls the electronic transport properties (carrier type, concentration and mobility) and void filling in the skutterudite structure reduces the thermal conductivity. High-temperature stability of skutterudites is very important because thermoelectric generators are used at temperatures in the range of 500 K to 800 K. Various thermal stability factors, such as the phase transition, composition change, sublimation and interdiffusion of the constituent elements, and oxidation, need to be investigated. This study examined the high-temperature stability of La0.9Fe3CoSb12 skutterudite as a function of the aging variables: atmosphere (vacuum and air), temperature and time. Sb-based oxides are produced preferentially when the skutterudites are exposed to high temperatures in air. The La0.9Fe3CoSb12 skutterudite was stable at 873 K as long as it was not exposed to air.