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C1: Waste heat recovery
Heat exchanger selection and optimization of a thermoelectric generator subsystem for HT-PEM fuel cell exhaust heat recovery
Xin Gao1,2, Søren Juhl Andreasen1, Søren Knudsen Kær1, Lasse Aistrup Rosendahl1, Alireza Rezania Kolaei1
Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstraede 101, Aalborg, DK-9220, Denmark
Abstract: A thermoelectric generator (TEG) subsystem is introduced to recover the exhaust heat from a high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane (HT-PEM) fuel cell stack. In optimizing the subsystem performance, three key factors have been identified: heat exchanger surface type, its housing dimensions and TEG power conditioning. Previous studies also reveal that their effects are interlocked. However, the three factors were occasionally considered in sequence in previous studies. This work reappraises the published heat exchanger selection and subsystem optimization approach. The three factors are now combined and assessed simultaneously and globally. For each surface type, its housing dimensions are optimized accordingly. Besides, TEG power conditioning is also adjusted in detail. Moreover, the previous 900Pa pressure-drop criterion is removed herein with the purpose to have a more comprehensive heat exchanger selection and a more thorough understanding of the interplay between the subsystem and the stack. In the current study, the selection is extended to a prepared whole heat exchanger collection including the precluded surfaces previously. Finally, the selection and optimization approach is refined and documented. The on- and off- design performance of the subsystem is thoroughly optimized. The current work complements and also proves the validity of the already published approach.