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A4: Theory - bulk materials

C.W. Li1, O. Hellman2, J. Ma3, A.F. May1, H.B. Cao3, X. Chen1, A.D. Christianson, G. Ehlers3, D.J. Singh1, B.C. Sales1, O. Delaire1
1MSTD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2Linkoping University, 3QCMD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The anharmonic lattice dynamics of rock-salt thermoelectric compounds SnTe and PbTe are investigated with inelastic neutron scattering and first-principles calculations. 4D neutron scattering dynamical structural factors, S(Q,E), including anharmonic effects are simulated with first-principles methods. The experiments show that, surprisingly, although SnTe is closer to the ferroelectric instability, phonon spectra in PbTe exhibit a more anharmonic character. This behavior is reproduced in first-principles calculations of the temperature-dependent phonon self-energy. Our simulations reveal how the nesting of phonon dispersions induces prominent features in the self-energy, which account for the measured inelastic neutron scattering spectra and their temperature dependence. We establish that the phase-space for three-phonon scattering processes, rather than just the proximity to the lattice instability, is the mechanism determining the complex spectrum of the transverse-optic ferroelectric mode.