by B. Mathiprakasam

1. Cycle Analyses of Thermoelectric Power Generation and Heat Pumps Using the Beta''­Alumina Electrolyte; Onda K, Masuda T, Nagata S, Nozaki K; Journal of Power Sources 1995; V55, N2 (Jun), P231­236; English.

2. Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Quantum Wire Superlattices; Broido DA, Reinecke TL; Applied Physics Letters 1995; V67, N1 (Jul 3), P100­102; English.

3. Thermoelectric Resonant Transport Through the Anderson Impurities; Afonin VV, Rudin AM; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1995; V51, N24 (Jun 15), P18025­18028; English.

4. High P,T Physical Property Studies of Earths Interior-Thermoelectric Power of Solid and Liquid FE Up to 6.4 GPA; Secco RA; Canadian Journal of Physics 1995; V73, N5­6 (May­Jun), P287­294; English.

5. Thermoelectric Power in the Quantum­Hall Regime at Very Low Temperatures; Tieke B, Fletcher R, Wiegers SAJ, Zeitler U, Maan JV, Foxon CT, Harris JJ; Physica B 1995; V211, N1­4 (May), P414­416; English.

6. Thermoelectric Power Studies on 1­Percent Excess TE Doped; Das VD, Bahulayan C; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1 1995; V34, N2a (Feb), P534­538; English.

7. Thermoelectric Power in GD3+­Substituted Cu­Cd Ferrites; Kolekar CB, Kamble PN, Vaingankar AS; Bulletin of Materials Science 1995; V18, N2 (Apr), P133­140; English.

8. The Effect of Joule Losses on the Total Efficiency of a Thermoelectric Power Cycle; Sisman A, Yavuz H; Energy 1995; V20, N6 (Jun), P573­576; English.

9. Low­Noise Multirate SC Read­Out Circuitry for Thermoelectric Integrated Infrared Sensors; Malcovati P, Leme CA, Lenggenhager R, Maloberti F, Baltes H; IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 1995; V44, N3 (Jun), P795­798; English.

10. Development of a Thermoelectric Sensor for Ultrasonic Intensity Measurement; Romdhane M, Gourdon C, Casamatta G; Ultrasonics 1995; V33, N2 (Mar), P139­146; English.

11. Alpha­Plot in Sigma­Plot as a Thermoelectric Material Performance Indicator; DM, Min G; Journal of Materials Science Letters 1995; V14, N9 (May 1), P617­619; English.

12. Effect of Superlattice Structure on the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit; Broido DA, Reinecke TL; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1995; V51, N19 (May 15), P3797­13800; English.

13. Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Composite Superlattice Systems; Linchung PJ, Reinecke TL; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1995; V51, N19 (May 15), P3244­13248; English.

14. Thermoelectric Power and Resistivity of LA1.8SR0.2CaCu2O6­Delta and the Effects of O­2 Hot­Isostatic­Press Annealing; Liu CJ; Yamauchi H; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1995; V51, N17 (May 1), P11826­11829; English.

15. Development and Experimental Testing of a Method of Checking Thermoelectric Alternating­Voltage Transducers; Nechaev NV, Aprelev AV; Measurement Techniques USSR 1994; V37, N7 (Jul), P819­821; English.

16. Optimize Thermoelectric Coolers to Improve System Performance; Knighton CD, Estep G; Laser Focus World 1995; V31, N5 (May), P205; English.

17. Influence of Lead Content on Temperature Dependence ofThermoelectric Power of 2223 (BI­PB) Sintered Cuprates; Chanda B, Ghatak SK, Dey TK; Cryogenics 1995; V35, N4 (Apr), P271­275; English.

18. Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Effects in the Mixed State-Analysis of the Thermal Angle; Calzona V, Cimberle MR, Ferdeghini C, Marre D, Putti M; Physica C 1995; V246, N1­2 (May 1), P169­176; English.

19. Preparation of Thermoelectric Beta­FeSi2 Doped With Al and Mn by Mechanical Alloying; Umemoto M; Materials Transactions JIM 1995; V36, N2 (Feb), P373­383; English.

20. Effects of Mechanical Alloying and Grinding on the Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Beta­FeSi2; Nagai H; Materials Transactions JIM 1995; V36, N2 (Feb), P365­372; English.

21. Analysis of Thermoelectric Power Generation Using Thermoelectric Element; Ogawa Y, Watanabe H, Sakai M, Tunou K; Electronics and Communications in Japan Part II­electronics 1994; V77, N5 (May), P93­105; English.

22. Measuring Thermoelectric Effects in Thermal Converters With a Fast Reversed DC; Klonz M, Spiegel T, Zirpel R, Inglis BD, Hammond G, Sasaki H, Takahashi K, Stojanovic B; IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 1995; V44, N2 (Apr), P379­382; English.

23. Thermoelectric Power Measurements of the Early Stages of Delta' Precipitation in Al­Li Alloys; Perezlandazabal JI, No ML, Juan JS; Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 1995; V32, N9 (May 1), P1307­1312; English.

24. Improvement in Thermoelectric Characteristics of N­Type Iron Disilicide by Local Composition Modification; Tokiai T, Uesugi T, Koumoto K; Journal of the American Ceramic Society 1995; V78, N4 (Apr), P1089­1092; English.

25. Relation Between Thermoelectric Power and Hall Coefficient With Application to the Normal State of High­T­C Superconductors; March NH, Paranjape BV; Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 1995; V56, N1 (Jan), P65­68; English.

26. In­Situ Survey System of Resistive and Thermoelectric Properties of Either Pure or Mixed Materials in Thin Films Evaporated Under Ultra High Vacuum; Lechevallier L, Lehuerou JY, Richon G, Sarrau JM, Gouault J; Journal De Physique III 1995; V5, N4 (Apr), P409­418; English.

27. Thermoelectric Power of Hg­based Superconductor; Ha YS, Chung HM, Park YW; Synthetic Metals 1995; V71, N1­3 (Apr 1), P1571­1572; English.

28. Rapid Thermoelectric Power Drop to Zero at 250k in Superconducting HG­compounds; Ha YS; Park YW (Reprint), Yom SS; Park JK, Kim ST, Kim DL, Ri HC, Kim YS; Synthetic Metals, 1995, V71, N1­3 (Apr 1), P1535­1537; English.

29. The Thermoelectric Power of Pure and Oxygenated Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+Y Systems- the Role of Bio Layers; Awana VPS, Lal R, Narlikar AV; Journal of Physics­Condensed Matter 1995; V7, N13 (Mar 27), PL171­l174; English.

30. Thermoelectric Transport and Structural Changes in Charge­Density­Wave System (NBSE4)(10)I­3; Smontara A, Vucic Z, Deboer JL, Mazuer J, Levy F, Biljakovic K; Synthetic Metals 1995; V70, N1­3 (Mar 15), P1299­1300; English.

31. Electronic State of Kappa­(BMDT­TTF)(2)AU(CN)2 Studied by NMR and Thermoelectric Measurements; Miyagawa K, Sato H, Kawamoto A, Kanoda K, Mori T; Synthetic Metals 1995; V70, N1­3 (Mar 15), P879­880; English.

32. 1st­Principles Calculation of the Thermoelectric Power of Disordered Alloys; Banhart J, Ebert H; Solid State Communications 1995; V94, N6 (May), P445­449; English.

33. Design of a Semiconductor Thermoelectric Generator for Remote Subsea Wellheads; Auckland DW, Shuttleworth R, Luff AC, Axcell BP, Rahman M; IEE Proceedings­Electric Power Applications 1995; V142, N2 (Mar), P65­70; English.

34. Fast Thermoelectric Response of Normal State YBa2Cu3O7­Delta Films; Zeuner S, Prettl W, Lengfellner H; Applied Physics Letters 1995; V66, N14 (Apr 3), P1833­1835; English.

35. Thermoelectric Power Study on High­T­C BI­2212 and ­2223 Oxides Intercalated With Organic Molecules Zincphthalocyanine; Huang ZJ, Lin JG, Lin JJ, Huang CY, Grigoryan L, Yakushi K; Physica C 1995; V244, N3­4 (Mar 20), P305­310; English.

36. Malignant Mesothelioma in Thermoelectric Power Plant Workers in Italy; Crosignani P, Forastiere F, Petrelli G, Merler E, Chellini E, Pupp N, Donelli S, Magarotto G, Rotondo E, Perucci C, Berrino F; American Journal of Industrial Medicine 1995; V27, N4 (Apr), P573­576; English.

37. Low Noise 9­ghz Sapphire Resonator­Oscillator With Thermoelectric Temperature Stabilization at 300 Kelvin; Tobar ME, Ivanov EN, Woode RA, Searls JH, Mann AG; IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 1995; V5, N4 (Apr), P108­110; English.

38. Charge Transport in Thin Films of Molecular Semiconductors as Investigated by Measurements of Thermoelectric Power and Electrical Conductivity; Meyer JP, Schlettwein D, Wohrle D, Jaeger NI; Thin Solid Films 1995; V258, N1­2 (Mar 15), P317­324; English.

39. Temperature Dependence of the Thermoelectric Effect of Ion­Bombarded NBN Films-Evidence for the Suppression of Phonon Drag and for Renormalization; Siebold T, Ziemann P; Physical Review B­condensed Matter 1995; V51, N10 (Mar 1), P6328­6335; English.

40. The Theory of an Anisotropic Thermoelectric Cooler in a Magnetic Field; Buda IS, Lutsyak VS; Physica Status Solidi A­applied Research 1995; V147, N2 (Feb), P491­496; English.

41. Thermoelectric Power of Doped Polyaniline near the Metal­Insulator Transition; Yoon CO, Reghu M, Moses D, Cao Y, Heeger AJ; Synthetic Metals 1995; V69, N1­3 (Mar 1), P273­274; English.

42. Positive Thermoelectric Power of Alkali­Metal­Doped Polyacetylene; Park EB, Yoo JS, Park JY, Park YW, Akagi K, Shirakawa H; Synthetic Metals 1995; V69, N1­3 (Mar 1), P61­64; English.

43. A Flat Plate Thermoelectric Generator; Degroot B, Sayer M, Sherrit S; Canadian Ceramics Quarterly­journal of the Canadian Ceramic Society 1995; V64, N1 (Feb), P56­62; English.

44. Thermoelectric Power of (GeTe)1­X(BI2Te3)X Solid Solutions (0­Less­Than­or-Equal­to­X­Less­Than­or­Equal­to­0.05) in the Temperature Interval 80­K to 350­K; Christakudi TA, Plachkova SK, Christakudis GC; Physica Status Solidi A­Applied Research 1995; V147, N1 (Jan 16), P211­220; English.

45. Thermoelectric Power and Electrical Conductivity of Amorphous AUXSB100­X Films Near the Metal­Insulator Transition; Journal of Physics­Condensed Matter 1995; V7, N7 (Feb 13), P1305­1314; English.

46. Dynamic Studies of Transport Properties of Gamma­MO4011 Crystals Using Photoinduced Transient Thermoelectric Effect Under Static Electric Field; Gao WX, Sasaki M, Negishi H, Inoue M, Kulbachinskii VA; Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1995; V64, N2 (Feb), P518­526; English.

47. Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of YBa2Cu307­Delta/PRBa2Cu307­Delta Superlattice With 2­Unit­Cell­Thick YBa2Cu307­Delta Layer in One Period; Liu GL, Wang M, Lian GJ, Li GH, Liu ST, Xiong GC, Yan SS; Solid State Communications 1995; V93, N10 (Mar), P785­789; English.

48. Thermoelectric Properties of Fine­grained Sintered (BI2TE3)(25)­(SB2TE3)(75) P­Type Solid Solution; Joraide AA; Journal of Materials Science 1995; V30, N3 (Feb 1), P744­748; English.

49. Conductivity, Thermoelectric Power and Field­effect Mobility in Self­assembled Films of Polyanilines and Oligoanilines; Paloheimo J, Laakso K, Isotalo H, Stubb H; Synthetic Metals 1995; V68, N3 (Feb), P249­257; English.

50. Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of N­HG1­XCDXSE; Sofo JO; Journal of Applied Physics, 1995; V77, N4 (Feb 15), P1561­1563; English.

51. Inelastic­Phonon­Scattering Effect on the Behavior of the Thermoelectric Power of Metals (Vol 49, Pg 13215, 1994); Durczewski K, Ausloos M; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1995; V51, N5 (Feb 1), P3320; English.

52. Thermoelectric Power in Single­layer Copper Oxides; Zhou JS, Goodenough JB; Physical Review B­condensed Matter 1995; V51, N5 (Feb 1), P3104­3115; English.

53. Thermoelectric Power of Hot Carriers in the Nonequilibrium­Statistical­Operator Approach; Xing DY, Liu M, Dong JM, Wang ZD; Physical Review B­condensed Matter 1995; V51, N4 (Jan 15), P2193­2198; English.

54. Thermoelectric Power and DC Conductivity of CO­Evaporated MN/SIOX Cermet Thin Films; Zaidi SZA, Beynon J, Steele CB, Orton BR; Thin Solid Films 1995; V256, N1­2 (Feb 1), P120­123; English.

55. Electrical Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of AgInSe2 in the Solid and Liquid States; Abdelghany A; Applied Physics A­Materials Science & Processing 1995; V60, N1 (Jan), P77­79; English.

56. Thermoelectric Power and 1/F Noise in the Normal State of YBa2Cu307­Delta/PRBa2Cu307­Delta Superlattice; Liu GI, Liu ST, Wang M, Lian GJ, Li GH, Xiong GC, Yan SS; Chinese Physics Letters 1994; V11, N12, P770­771; English.

57. Measurements of the Thermoelectric Coefficient of Copper Oxide Superconductors-Absence of Order Parameter Fluctuation Effects; Cabeza O, Mosqueira J, Maza J, Vidal F; Physica C 1994; V235, Dec (Dec), P1937­1938; English.

58. Thermoelectric Power Measurement of Lithium Vanadate Ceramics Doped With Chromium Oxide; Kulkarni UN, Chavan SH; Journal of Power Sources 1994; V52, N2 (Dec), P309­311; English.

59. Thermoelectric Effects in Electrochemical Systems-Nonconventional Thermogalvanic Cells; Kuzminskii YV, Zasukha VA, Kuzminskaya GY; Journal of Power Sources 1994; V52, N2 (Dec), P231­242; English.

60. Thermoelectric Power of the Single Layer Compound BI2.1SR1.9CuO6+Delta; Desilva Psipn, Sinclair DC, Flower NE, Tallon JL, Cooper JR; Physica C 1994; V235, Dec (Dec), P1531­1532; English.

61. Hall Effect and Thermoelectric Power Measurements on Y0.9CA0.1Ba2Cu307­Delta; Fisher IR, Desilva Psipn, Loram JW, Tallon JL, Carrington A, Cooper JR; Physica C 1994; V235, Dec (Dec), P1497­1498; English.

62. Thermoelectric Power and Thermal Conductivity in YBa2(Cu1­XFEX)(3)0­7­Delta With or Without Excess of Copper Oxide; Bougrine H, Ausloos M, Houssa M, Mehbod M; Physica C 1994; V235, Dec (Dec), P1465­1466; English.

63. Thermoelectric Power and 1/f Noise in the Normal State of YBa2Cu307­Delta/PRBa2Cu307­Delta Superlattice; Liu GL, Liu ST, Wang M, Lian GJ, Li GH, Xiong GC, Yan SS; Physica C 1994; V235, Dec (Dec), P1461­1462; English.

64. Thermoelectric Power of (BI­PB)­SR­Ca­Cu­O Thin Films; Marino A, Rodriguez JE; Physica C 1994; V235, Dec (Dec), P1425­1426; English.

65. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Photoinduced Thermoelectric Effect in High­temperature Superconductors; Gulian AM, Vartanian VO; Physica C 1994; V235, Dec (Dec), P1411­1412; English.

66. Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Effects in ND1.85CE0.15CuOx Epitaxial Thin Films; Hansel H, Gollnik F, Beck A, Gross R; Physica C 1994; V235, Dec (Dec), P1367­1368; English.

67. Diffusion Controlled Degradation Analysis of High Temperature (BI,SB)(2)(TE,SE)(3) Semiconductor Thermoelectric Power Modules; Huang CP, Christou A; Materials Science and Engineering B­Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 1995; V29, N1­3 (Jan), P233­236; English.

68. Boron­Rich Solids-A Chance for High­Efficiency High­Temperature Thermoelectric Energy Conversion; Werheit H; Materials Science and Engineering B­solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 1995; V29, N1­3 (Jan), P228­232; English.

69. Highly Sensitive Method for Simultaneous Measurements of Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power-Fe and Al Examples; Bougrine H, Ausloos M; Review of Scientific Instruments 1995; V66, N1 (Jan), P199­206; English.

70. Modelling of Peltier Thermoelectric Modules-Application to Complex Systems; Monchoux F, Zely D, Cordier A; Journal De Physique III 1995; V5, N1 (Jan), P77­89; French.

71. Thermoelectric Power and Resistivity Measurements on Oxygen­Annealed HGBa2Ca2Cu308+Delta Superconductors; Subramaniam Ck, Paranthaman M, Kaiser AB; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1995; V51, N2 (Jan 1), P1330­1333; English.

72. Thermoelectric Flux in Superconducting Hollow Cylinders; Bulyzhenkov IE; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1995; V51, N (Jan 1), P1137­1139; English.

73. Electrical Conductivity, Thermoelectric Power and Dielectric Constant of Polycrystalline CRTIO3; Singh RS, Ansari TH, Singh RA; Solid State Communications 1995; V93, N6 (Feb), P547­551; English.

74. The Effect of Excess Tellurium on the Thermoelectric Properties of BI2TE3­SB2TE3 Solid Solutions; Ha HP, Cho YW, Byun JY, Shim JD; Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 1994; V55, N11 (Nov), P1233­1238; English.

75. Study of Limited Potentialities of Thermoelectric Cooling Under Liquid Nitrogen Temperature; Kuznetsov VL, Vedernikov MV, Yandl P, Birkkholts U; Pisma V Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki 1994; V20, N18 (Sep 26), P75­80; Russian.

76. Thermoelectric Power of a Single­phase HGBa2Ca2Cu3OY Superconductor; Ha YS, Chung HM, Park YW, Mun MO, Lee S, Bae MK, Lee SI; Journal of Materials Chemistry 1995; V5, N1 (Jan), P71­73; English.

77. Quantum Corrections to the Thermoelectric Transport in a System of Interacting Electrons and Phonons; Sergeev AV, Reizer MY, Livanov DV; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1994; V50, N24 (Dec 15), P18694­18696; English.

78. Possibility of Ag2O+YBa2Cu3O7.X Ceramics for Low Temperature Thermoelectric Refrigeration; Fujishiro H, Kusaka K, Ikebe M, Ogasawara H, Noto K; Cryogenics 1994; V34, Sicec, P231­234; English.

79. Thermoelectric Power and Thermal Conductivity of Neutron Irradiated Superconductors YBa2Cu4O8; Pekala M, Morawski A, Lada T, Maka E; Physica Status Solidi B­basic Research 1994; V186, N2 (Dec), P487­492; English.

80. Thermoelectric Generators Made of FeSi2 and HMS-Fabrication and Measurement; Gross E, Riffel M (Reprint); Stohrer U; Journal of Materials Research 1995; V10, N1 (Jan), P34­40; English.

81. C­Axis Thermoelectric Power of Graphite Intercalation Compounds With Iodine Monochrolide; Kobayashi K, Sugihara K, Oshima H, Tsuzuku T; Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1994; V63, N12 (Dec), P4451­4455; English.

82. Manganese Enrichment of Cementite and Solubility of Carbon in Low­Carbon Steels Investigated by Thermoelectric Power Measurements; Brahmi A, Borrelly R; Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 1995; V32, N3 (Feb 1), P365­370; English.

83. Thermoelectric Properties of Cu­Doped Dysprosium Sesquisulfide; Han Sh, Gschneidner KA (Reprint); Cook BA; Journal of Applied Physics 1994; V76, N12 (Dec 15), P7899­7906; English.

84. Thermoelectric Properties of a Very­Low­Mobility Two­Dimensional Electron Gas; Fletcher R, Harris JJ, Foxon CT, Tsaousidou M; Butcher PN; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1994; V50, N20 (Nov 15), P14991­14998; English.

85. Thermoelectric Generators as Alternative Sources of Low Power; Rowe DM; Renewable Energy 1994; V5, N5­8 (Aug), P1470­1478; English.

86. Electrical Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of Heavy Fermions and Mixed­valence Systems; Panwar S, Singh I; Journal of Applied Physics 1994; V76, N10 (Nov 15), P6223­6225; English.

87. Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Superlattices; Sofo JO, Mahan GD; Applied Physics Letters 1994; V65, N21 (Nov 21), P2690­2692; English.

88. Thermoelectric Power of Indium Sesquisulphide Single Crystals; Nassary MM; Crystal Research and Technology 1994; V29, N7, P999­1004; English.

89. Development of a Thermoelectric Cooling Apparatus for High­voltage Isoelectric Focusing on a Cellulose Acetate Membrane; Shiba K, Toda T, Iijima S, Inoue J, Yoshida T, Cho H, Kimura M; Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1994; V17, N10 (Oct), P1317­1320; English.

90. Normal State Thermoelectric Power of Vanadium­substituted (BI0.8PB0.2­YVY)2SR2Ca2Cu3Ox Superconducting Pellets; Chanda B, Ghatak SK, Dey TK; Physica C 1994; V232, N1­2 (Oct 15), P136­144; English.

91. Influence of Deposition Rates and Thickness on the Electrical Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of Thin Iron Films; Schepis RS, Matienzo LJ, Emmi F, Unertl W, Schroder K; Thin Solid Films 1994; V251, N2 (Nov 1), P99­102; English.

92. Anomalies of the Electrical Resistivity and the Thermoelectric Power Around 600K in a Small X­Region of LA2­XSRXCuO4; Sera M, Sato H, Maki M, Hiroi M, Kobayashi N; Solid State Communications 1994; V92, N4 (Oct), P289­293; English.

93. Thermoelectric Properties of CVC Boron Carbide; Koumoto K; American Ceramic Society Bulletin 1994; V73, N10 (Oct), P84­87; English.

94. Thermoelectric Power above the Kosterlitz­thouless Transition; Livanov DV; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1994; V50, N13 (Oct 1), P9631­9633; English.

95. In­Plane Thermoelectric Power of C­Axis­Oriented SR1­XNDXCuO2­Delta Thin Films; Sugii N; Yamauchi H; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1994; V50, N13 (Oct 1), P9397­9403; English.

96. DC Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power in Ni­Cd Ferrites; Patil MG, Mahajan VC, Bhise BV, Ghatage AK, Lotke SD, Patil SA; Bulletin of Materials Science 1994; V17, N4 (Aug), P399­403; English.

97. Instability Due to Thermocapillary and Thermoelectric Effects in Liquid Semiconductors; Eidelman ED; Semiconductors 1994; V28, N9 (Sep), P858­862; English.

98. Magnetic Susceptibility and Thermoelectric Power of Tungsten Intermediary Oxides; Polaczek A, Pekala M, Obuszko Z; Journal of Physics­Condensed Matter 1994; V6, N39 (Sep 26), P7909­7919; English.

99. Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of TE­Doped N­BI2TE3 Single Crystals; Svechnikova TE, Korzhuev MA, Korenovskii NL, Maksimova NM, Polikarpova NV, Chizhevskaya SN, Konstantinov PP,; Alekseeva GT; Inorganic Materials 1994; V30, N9 (Sep), P1041­1046; English.

100. Growth Kinetics in Ultra­Pure Bismuth Using a Thermoelectric Method for Interface Temperature Measurements; Sixou B, Rouzaud A, Favier JJ; Journal of Crystal Growth 1994; V137, N3­4 (Apr), P605­609; English.

101. A Simple Analysis of the Thermoelectric Power in Ultrathin Bismuth Films Under Magnetic Quantization; Ghatak KP, Mondal M; Physica Status Solidi B­Basic Research 1994; V185, N1 (Sep), PK5­K8; English.

102. Thermoelectric Properties of Extruded Bi0.85sb0.15 Samples; Tagiev MM, Agaev ZF, Abdinov DS; Inorganic Materials 1994; V30, N3 (Mar), P356­358; English.

103. Thermoelectric Properties of FeSi2­Base Semiconductors With Ag Addition; Watanabe T, Hasaka M, Miyase T; Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals 1994; V58, N3 (Mar), P353­358; Japanese.

104. A Reliability Study of a Miniature Thermoelectric Generator; Kiely JH, Morgan DV, Rowe DM; Semiconductor Science and Technology 1994; V9, N9 (Sep), P1722­1728; English.

105. Thermoelectric Power of C­AXIS Aligned BI2SR2CaLCu208+Delta and (BIPB)2SR2Ca2Cu3010+Delta Powders; Song YS, Ha YS, Park YW, Shi JB, Ku HC; Physica B 1994; V194, Feb (Feb), P2225­2226; English.

106. Thermoelectric Power in GD1.85­XPRXCE0.15CuO4 System; Yan SS, Liu GL, Lin Z, Lin C, Zhang YF, Jiang LH, Li GH; Physica B 1994; V194, Feb (Feb), P1527­1528; English.

107. Solid Solubility in Thermoelectric Semiconductors; Bhandari CM; Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 1994; V32, N9 (Sep), P786­788; English.

108. Thermal and Thermoelectric Properties of Granular Co­ag Solids; Piraux L, Cassart M, Grivei E, Kinanyalaoui M, Bayot V, Jiang JS, Xiao JQ, Chien CL; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 1994; V136, N1­2 (Sep), P221­228; English.

109. Thermoelectric Excess Heat Effect in Electrolytic Cells; Handel PH; Zeitschrift Fur Physik B­condensed Matter 1994; V95, N4 (Sep), P489­492; English.

110. Thermoelectric Power of Tetragonal ZRO2; Sloma M, Weppner W (Reprint), Rekas M, Solid State Ionics 1994; V72, Sep (Sep), P89­93; English.

111. Thermoelectric Power of Superconducting BA­K­BI­O Crystals; Subramaniam CK, Kaiser AB (Reprint), Tang HY; Physica C 1994; V230, N1­2 (Sep 1), P184­188; English.

112. Low Temperature Thermoelectric Power in Disordered Graphite Intercalated by SBCl5; Vovchenko LL, Dvorkina IV, Matzui LY; Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 1994; V20, N5 (May), P463­468; Russian.

113. Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of YBCu4.5 under Very High Pressure; Spendeler L, Jaccard D, Sierro J, Francois M, Stepanov A, Voiron J; Journal of Low Temperature Physics 1994; V94, N5­6 (Mar), P585­603; English.

114. Thermoelectric Effect in Normal­State YBa2Cu307­Delta Films (Vol 25, Pg 375, 1994); Lengfellner H, Zeuner S, Prettl W, Renk KF; Europhysics Letters 1994; V27, N6 (Aug 20), P491; English.

115. Transport Coefficients and Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of N­HG1­XCDXTE; Sofo JO, Mahan GD, Baars ; Journal of Applied Physics 1994; V76, N4 (Aug 15), P2249­2254; English.

116. Point Defects and Thermoelectric Properties of Iron Disilicide Ceramics Sintered With SIH4­PLASMA­Processed Micrograins; Miki T, Matsui Y, Teraoka Y, Ebina Y, Matsubara K, Kishimoto K; Journal of Applied Physics 1994; V76, N4 (Aug 15), P2097­2103; English.

117. Effect of Phonon Drag of Electrons on Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Effects in Iron­Doped Mercury Selenide; Kuleev IG, Lyapinin II, Lonchakov AT, Tsidilkovskii IM; Semiconductors 1994; V28, N6 (Jun), P544­549; English.

118. Tunneling and Thermoelectric Effect in Generalized Tunnel Junctions in the Presence of Electron­hole Asymmetry; Hirsch JE; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter 1994; V50, N5 (Aug 1), P3165­3180; English.

119. Electrical Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of Ti Substituted Ni­Cd Ferrites; Patil MG, Mahajan VC, Lotke SD, Bhise BV, Patil SA; Solid State Communications 1994; V91, N8 (Aug), P667­670; English.

120. Thermoelectric Devices Using Semiconductor Quantum Wells; Mahan GD, Lyon HB; Journal of Applied Physics 1994; V76, N3 (Aug 1), P1899­1901; English.

121. Thermoelectric Power of YSZ; Ahlgren E, Poulsen FW; Solid State Ionics 1994; V70, May­ (May­Jun), P528­532; English.

122. Thermoelectric Power Studies of Bismuth Based Oxides; Francklin AJ, Chadwick AV, Couves JW; Solid State Ionics 1994; V70, May­ (May­Jun), P215­220; English.

123. Electronic Specific Heat and Thermoelectric Power of an Anderson Lattice With Finite F­Band Width; Panwar S, Singh I; Physical Review B­Condensed Matter, 1994; V50, N4 (Jul 15), P2110­2113; English.

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