prior constitution
Revised September 20, 1999
WHEREAS a united body which can effectively call on society for resources, for example to assist in setting up centers of excellence, in editing and publishing previously unpublished work, and such a body can establish uniform methods of measurement and evaluation, promote education, and coordinate international exchange of information including conferences. We organize the International Thermoelectric Society.
![]() | TO PROMOTE the advancement of the thermoelectric industry, science and engineering; |
![]() | TO PROMOTE collection and exchange of information and education which will benefit the thermoelectric community; |
![]() | TO PROMOTE systemization of measurements to and in comparison of materials and devices; |
![]() | TO PROMOTE awareness of the larger community to thermoelectric issues and solicit wider involvement; |
![]() | TO PROMOTE a forum of exchange of information and achievements. -Newsletters; |
![]() | TO PROMOTE a mechanism for coordinating and promoting conferences. |
This is a society organized around an Annual Conference. Those who attend an Annual Conference or who pay dues are members for two years.
An annual ITS Board meeting is held immediately prior to the start of the Annual Conference. This is to ensure that vacant Board member positions due to a Board members term expiration or due to election of a Board member to the position of President Elect (Vice-President), are determined prior to the start of the Annual Conference.
Life span
Until December 31, 2002 (Renewable). The constitution must be revised by early 2001 for approval at the 2001 Annual Meeting.
The Society is composed of honorary members, members and student members. The members are those that abide by the by-laws and pay dues.
The honorary members are those who have been nominated and elected by the ITS Board for service rendered to the profession. Honorary members are elected for life and are exempt from annual ITS membership fees.
Student members are full-time students who will be charged at a reduced rate.
Any person who is interested in thermoelectrics may apply for membership. Attendance at an annual thermoelectric meeting will automatically enroll/or continue one's membership for two years - A portion of the conference cost will be allocated for this purpose. In 1999 the membership fees are $30.00 U.S.
Board of Officers
The ITS Board consists of up to four Executive Officers and a Board of nine Directors.
Executive Officers:
There are up to 4 executive officers: President, President Elect (also named Vice President), Treasurer and Secretary.
Executive Officers of the Board are elected by Board members from among Board members during an Annual Board Meeting using a simple majority balloting, as adopted at the 1994 Board Meeting. Candidates to an Executive Officer position should be nominated by other Board members prior to the election.
The term of newly elected Treasurer and Secretary is effective immediately after adjournment of that same Board Meeting. The term lasts three years and expires after the ITS Board Meeting of that last year is adjourned.
After an individual is elected president at an annual Board Meeting he will be termed the President Elect and will serve the Society as Vice President until he becomes the President at the retirement of the President, which will be on the second January 1st after the election. Between that time and the next election the post of President Elect will remain vacant. The departing President will remain on the Board as a Director until adjournment of the following Annual ITS Board Meeting.
The Chairperson of the Organizing Committee for each Annual Conference shall be considered elected to the Board as a Director. Such Annual Conference Organizer term extends from the closing date of the Annual Conference he or she organizes until the closing date of the Annual Conference organized approximately three years later. In addition, as the Organizer, he or she is invited to attend as a non-voting participant the Board Meeting held immediately prior to the Annual Conference he or she is chairing. Thus, the term of the Organizer of the Annual Conference held in 1999 starts immediately after the end of this Conference and remains in effect until the completion of the 2002 Annual Conference.
A Newsletter Editor will be elected by the Board from among the active members of the Society. Said Editor may remain on the Board as a Director so long as the responsibilities of the Editor are satisfactorily executed.
All remaining Board Directors are elected for staggered three year terms from the ITS membership at large, by a simple majority balloting, during one of the latter sessions of the Annual Conference. Under special circumstances, such as if no Annual Conference were held, election of Officers may be performed by mail.
Except as outlined above for the Newsletter Editor, the term of newly elected Board Directors is effective immediately after the closing date of the Annual Conference at which they were elected. The term lasts until the closing date of the Annual Conference organized approximately three years later. For example, a newly elected Board director at ICT99 will attend the 2000, 2001 and 2002 Annual ITS Board Meetings.
Election of Board Directors
It is the Presidents responsibility at each Board Meeting, with the approval of the Board of Directors, to appoint a Nominating and Election Committee of up to five members, one of whom shall be designated as Chairman. The Committee shall consist of two Officers of the Society, and up to three Active Members. Active Members should represent different subgroups of the Society.
The attendees of the Annual Conference are notified of the number of vacant positions for the Board of Directors (obtained after adjournment of the last ITS Board meeting immediately preceding the Annual Conference) and of the date and time of the election at the start of the Annual Conference. This is usually done by the President in his opening remarks.
Nominations will be considered from membership at large to the nomination committee. It shall be the duty of the Nomination Committee to notify each candidate of his nomination and obtain his acceptance. The deadline for submitting nominations to the Nomination Committee will be at the end of the first day of the Annual Conference.
It is intended that the elections will be held in one of the later sessions of the Annual Conference and that the attendees will be notified at least a day in advance of the nominees. This is usually done by the President or the Chair of the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for properly organizing the elections and the ballot count. Results of the election will be reported to all attendees at the latest by the closing of the Annual Conference as well as in the newsletter following the meeting.
Meeting of Officers:
Except for the Annual Board Meeting, considering that overhead should be as light as possible, communication between members will often be by e-mail (ITS Board website), telephone, fax, letter, etc... The object is to satisfy the goals enumerated in the Constitution.
The ITS Board will try to generate ideas from membership at large, and will set up temporary subcommittees to meet transient goals. These may include: membership, meetings, awards, newsletter and financial matters.
Rules and Regulations:
During an Annual Board Meeting or by means of the electronic ITS Board newsgroup, a simple majority is required to pass a motion put to the vote by a Board member. The ITS President has the power to veto any motion submitted by a Board member. This veto can be overturned if a two-third majority vote can be mustered. The voting rules shall also apply to Board business conducted by e-mail in between Annual Board Meetings. A suitable period of time will be allocated for Board members to vote on motions submitted by e-mail.
At least two times a year a newsletter will be made available to all members in good standing. The Newsletter Editor must assemble information and documents to go into the Newsletter. Updates relative to goals must appear in the newsletter.
Annual Conferences:
It is intended that meeting sites be left open until three or four years before meeting.
Conference sites will be selected in an attempt to reflect the level of thermoelectric interest and activity in various regions of the world on a rotating basis. Regions with recognized interest and activity include, but are not limited to, Europe, Asia and the Americas. However, the merits of each proposed site will be considered on an individual basis. Final site selection will be based on consideration of the Societys interests as a whole, and will be decided by simple majority balloting during an Annual ITS Board Meeting two years prior to holding that Conference.
It is the responsibility of the Chairperson of the Annual Conference to provide for suitable meeting arrangements for holding the Annual ITS Board Meeting on the day preceding the Annual Conference. The ITS Secretary will inform in a timely manner the Chairperson of the Annual Conference of ITS membership regulations and the need for holding the ITS Annual Board Meeting.
General Assemblies:
Once a year the accounts must be published showing the fees and various expenses (photocopying, mailing, etc...)
Income of the Society
The principal income is subscription fees. Other income can be: donation, interest from a banking account, advertising income, short courses, etc...
The Society must build up a small reserve of capital.