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¢Â Blocks of rooms for ICT2007 delegates have been set aside. Special conference rates are available in the selected
     resort such as Shineville Luxury Resort which is held the conference and other accommodations such as pension
     and bed & breakfast which close to the resort.
¢Â Shineville Resorts will accept direct reservations from conference delegates. Please be sure to take advantage of the
     special rates available only to ICT2007 delegates. http://www.shineville.com/
¢Â Shineville Luxury Resort offers the special rate for our participants as below,

Unit Type
Luxury suite(122§³)
1 bedroom, 1 ondol room, 2 bathrooms KRW 170,000(about ¢æ141/? us$ 182)
Shine suite(95§³)
1 bedroom, 1 ondol room, 2 bathrooms KRW 150,000(about ¢æ124/ us$161)
Shine suite(88§³)
1 bedroom, 1 ondol room, 2 bathrooms KRW 150,000(about ¢æ124/ us$161)
1 bedroom, 1 bathroom KRW 130,000(about ¢æ108/ us$139)

* ¡¯ondol¡¯ type is Korean traditional style bedroom without bed.
* The room rate includes breakfast for 1 person and tax.
* Additional breakfast is available for discounted price (krw12,000)
* It will be applied for same rate 2 days before and after the conference period.

¢Â If you want to reserve to other accommodations then ask to the conference secretariat office in Jeju as below.
    For more information, please contact to the secretariat office.

Nuricommunication, INC.
#603 B.I Center Jeju Tourism College Aewol-eup, jeju-si, jeju-do
Tel: 82-64-748-1040 Fax: 82-64-746-9317
Mobile: 82-11-639-9317
E-mail: admin@ict2007.net