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Submitting Papers

Categories for Contributed Program
When submitting a paper, you will be asked to select the one category from the list below that is nearest to your topic. The program committee will use the category you indicate to help them organize the abstracts into sessions, but may also regroup sessions around other themes that emerge from the submissions. Please feel free to submit a paper on a topic that may be somewhat outside of this list. The committee cannot anticipate all of the topics that might be received; indeed, part of the purpose of a conference is to go beyond the usual categories and boundaries. We welcome presentations on topics that do not fit squarely in one of the listed categories, as long as they relate to some quantitative aspect of thermoelectrics research.

01. Nano TE

02. Tellurides
03. Coolers
04. Generators
05. Oxides
06. Oxides & Others
07. TE Theories & Phenomena
08. TE Applications
09. Skutterudites
10. Clathrates
11. Other Materials
12. New Materials

The poster sessions will cover any research on the topic. "The Harmony between Heat and Electricity". Only abstracts relevant to this theme will be considered.

The abstracts are reviewed are eligible to present their papers and can compete for the award for the best abstract.