Thermoelements with lateral heat exchange


V.G. Okhrem, O.A. Okhrem


Instituteof Thermoelectricity, General Post Office, Box 86, 58002, Ukraine


Based on the two-dimensional thermal model the thermoEMF andefficiency of thermoelement with a lateral heat exchange have been calculated.Under EMF conditions characterized by the fact that at electric insulation ofthe end and lateral faces of thermoelement with lateral heat exchange in thebulk of the thermoelement there will be Hirose currents, the expression for EMFhas been derived suggesting its strong dependence on the dimensions of legs inthermoelement with lateral heat exchange. This phenomenon can be used for thedevelopment of thermal radiation detectors.

Thermoelectricprocesses in thermoelement with lateral heat exchange under conditions ofelectric energy generation have been investigated. It has been shown that theefficiency of thermoelement with lateral heat exchange is determined by thevalue of density of thermal flux incident on the lateral face, as well as bythermostat temperature.