Personal thermoelectric air-conditioning for comfortsetting in transport facilities


L. Bulat1,E. Buzin1, V. Nekhoroshev2


1St. Petersburg State University ofRefrigeration and Food Engineering

LomonosovaSt., 9, St. Petersburg 191002, Russia

2AONPK NIIDAR, First Bukharestskaya ul. 12/11, Moscow, 107258, Russia


According to modern requirements inair-conditioning a considerable increase in human comfort should be provided bypersonalized air supply directly to the breathing zone of each person. Also anindividual thermal control should be established to provide personal preferencein thermal conditions. In addition to a human comfort the other advantage ofpersonalized air-conditioning consists in a possibility of essential reductionof energy supply in comparison with the energy supply in traditionalair-conditioning. 

It can be shown that thermoelectricmethod is very perspective way of personalized air-conditioning.

In the present paper a possibletechnical solution of personalized thermoelectric air-conditioner for a cabinof automotive facilities presents. The paper considers the following:

1.                   Resultsof experimental study of heat balance in the cabin of the truck, the modelMAZ-54329-020. Influences of different heat sources had been measured,including a heat from the engine, from the solar radiation, a heat conduction through the cabin body, etc.

2.                   Selectionof rational technical requirements for design personalized thermoelectricair-conditioner for a cabin of a truck.

3.                   Aversion of technical solution of automotive personalized thermoelectricair-conditioner.