A new set of dynamicalthermoelectric and thermomagnetic equations will be derived fromMaxwell’s Electromagnetic Theory reinforced by aMaxwell-Boltzmann-Einstein-Fermi based physical coefficients. The new set ofequations is invariant to gauge transformations and coordinate transformations.This renders a set of equations that can be called “relativistic”in the most general sense. The special case of steady state reproduces thecurrently acknowledged phenomenological equations. The extreme special case ofnon-dissipative and steady state reproduces the Onsager linear system.
This work is partiallysupported by the Icelandic Science Research Fund (RANNIS), the IcelandicIndustrial and Technological Foundation (ITI), the Icelandic Ministry ofIndustry and the Agricultural Productivity Fund of Iceland. Pro%Nil Systems hasprovided additional funding. Invaluable theoretical discussions and feedback with and from Mr.Kristjan Einarsson, M-Sci, US-Naval Forces and Mr. Sigurður Gunnarsson forphilosophical input and Dr. Gunnar Benediktsson, the Royal Technical Universityof Stockholm (KTH) and Mr Egill Egilsson M-Sci. A credit to a large number of references to published articlesand books will be extended at a later time. The manuscript is available at