Arelativistic thermoelectromagnetic theory


G.K. Óttarsson


Pro%NilSystems, Flokagata 27, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland


A new set of dynamicalthermoelectric and thermomagnetic equations will be derived fromMaxwell’s Electromagnetic Theory reinforced by aMaxwell-Boltzmann-Einstein-Fermi based physical coefficients. The new set ofequations is invariant to gauge transformations and coordinate transformations.This renders a set of equations that can be called “relativistic”in the most general sense. The special case of steady state reproduces thecurrently acknowledged phenomenological equations. The extreme special case ofnon-dissipative and steady state reproduces the Onsager linear system.

.The absence of a rigourus dynamical theory of thermoelectricphenomena is a current fact. The guideline today is the linear response theoryof Onsager, which is non-dissipative and non-generative and describes a passivetransport of energy and charge in the steady state. Phenomenological equationsonly describe quasi-static behaviour and all new discoveries must be“patched” in. The need has arisen for a time variablethermoelectromagnetic theory with simultaneous transformation and transmissionof energy, charge and momentum for real time application in both science andindustry. Here is a candidate!

This work is partiallysupported by the Icelandic Science Research Fund (RANNIS), the IcelandicIndustrial and Technological Foundation (ITI), the Icelandic Ministry ofIndustry and the Agricultural Productivity Fund of Iceland. Pro%Nil Systems hasprovided additional funding. Invaluable theoretical discussions and feedback with and from Mr.Kristjan Einarsson, M-Sci, US-Naval Forces and Mr. Sigurður Gunnarsson forphilosophical input and Dr. Gunnar Benediktsson, the Royal Technical Universityof Stockholm (KTH) and Mr Egill Egilsson M-Sci.  A credit to a large number of references to published articlesand books will be extended at a later time. The manuscript is available at