Film thermoelectric batteries for thermal generators
L.I. Anatychuk, V.V. Razinkov
Instituteof Thermoelectricity, General Post Office, Box 86, 58002, Ukraine
The results of computer modeling of two-layer structure containingelectrically insulating substrate and film thermoelectric batteries have beenpresented.
The program for optimization of such batteries for thermoelectricgenerators has been developed.
The results of design and development of various-purposethermoelectric film batteries based on Bi2Te3 have beenpresented:
- for space solar generators;
- for generators with radioisotopic heatsource (238Pu);
- for microgenerators with catalyticheat sources;
- for generators using temperaturedifferences in soil.
Parameters of film thermoelectric batteries produced by thermal andmagnetron ionic sputtering, as well as by plasma detonation sputtering methodshave been given.
The results of testing such thermobatteries, including the resultsof testing batteries in outer space as part of solar generator have been given.