Thermal generators using thermal flows in soils


L.I. Anatychuk., P.D.Mikityuk


Instituteof Thermoelectricity, General Post Office, Box 86, 58002, Ukraine


The possibility of using thermal flows in soils to be converted intoelectric energy by thermoelectric energy converters has been studied. Specificvalues of electric power that can be thus obtained have been determined.

Theory of thermoelectric converters operated by thermal flowsexisting in soil has been developed. Dependence of characteristics of thermalgenerators working in soil on the basic factors formulating thermal processesin active soil layer has been determined. The basic principles of designingthermal generators operated by soil heat have been formulated.

Optimizationof thermal generator has been made through coordination of thermal physicalcharacteristics of working medium (soil) and thermal battery.

Technologyhas been created for manufacturing particularly reliable thermal batterieshaving service life at least 30 years for thermal generators working in soil.With regard for the results the experimental samples of thermal generators havebeen made and studied under real operating conditions. Peculiarities of thermalgenerators operation depending on the depth of their arrangement in soil,change in environmental conditions, time of the day, season, etc. have beenestablished.

Theresults obtained are used for the development of thermoelectric, ecologicallyclean power sources for all kinds of independent equipment.