Thermoelectricproperties of Mn-doped Ru2Si3


L. Ivanenko1, A. Filonov1, V. Shaposhnikov1,4, A. Krivosheev1, G. Behr2, D. Souptel2,

 J. Schumann2, H.Vinzelberg2, S.Paschen3, V. Borisenko1


1BelarusianState University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, P. Browka 6, 220013Minsk, Belarus

2LeibnizInstitute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, PF 27 01 16, D-01171Dresden, Germany

3MaxPlanck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Nöthnitzer Str.40,D-01187 Dresden, Germany

4Department of Physics, University ofAveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal


Pureand Mn-doped single crystals of ruthenium silicide Ru2Si3have been grown by floating zone technique with radiation heating in order toinvestigate the thermoelectric efficiency of this compound. Electricalresistivity, Hall effect, Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity of thecrystals were measured across a wide range of temperatures. Undopedcrystals show in the thermoelectric power both types of conductivity. TheSeebeck coefficient of Ru1-xMnxSi1.5 is positive at alltemperature range and reaches the maximum value of S=450 mV/K at about 500 K. Theroom temperature value of S=300 mV/K is twice higher in magnitudethan the corresponding value for the undoped Ru2Si3. Thecarrier concentration in the 1% Mn-dopedsamples is about 1018cm‑3at room temperature and the Hall mobility is about 20 cm2/V×s. Comparisonwith the undoped Ru2Si3 shows a two-fold increase ofmobility as the result of doping.

Theoretical calculation of the charge carrier mobilityis based on the effective masses, which are estimated from the ab initioelectronic band structure and classical scattering mechanisms. The anisotropy was found for both types of carriers.The mobility as well as thermoelectric properties estimated in the widetemperature range confirmed the experimental data for both doped and undoped Ru2Si3 crystals.