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Print out these instructions before pasting your paper’s text into this document, so you can refer back to it. Re-name the file with your Session and Paper number (if you know it): “s05p3.doc” is Session 5, paper 3, and “s05p3.pdf” is your PDF version, correctly formatted. If you have multiple files, they can have a suffix: “s05p3c.doc”. Or use your last name as the filename. Discussion 1 Section Header A statement of the problem or situation, and the approach that is taken to resolve it. The second paragraph in the Section should start with a “line break” (using the enter/return key), but do not add an extra blank line. The slight indent will clearly define the paragraphs, and the “ICT Text” Style includes a slight spacing (1 point) between paragraphs within the Section. This first Section may also contain a summary of the past developments and background of what is already known, and published elsewhere. This is best summarized in your own paper, with references to other publications containing more-extensive discussions of this background information. [1] The references are placed at the end of the paper. [2] Remember that you should not re-state material that is readily available in the archival literature; simply summarize it, then add a reference or two. Discussion 2 Section Header Text about initial steps in your preparation and analysis. You should use the pre-formatted “styles” in the Word toolbar above: type the Section Header, then select “ICT Section Header” style, above; your Header text will change to Bold and be left-justified, with spacing added above and below it. Then hit enter/return; this will automatically place you in the “ICT Text” style/format for typing the text paragraphs for that Section. Or, type the text for the section, select all the paragraphs, and choose the “ICT Text” style, above. Perhaps you have already prepared your manuscript as a document in Word or in another Word Processor. You may then copy and paste existing headers and text into our Word template, then select the Title, Authors, Section Headers, and Text areas and Apply the appropriate Style, from the “ICT” Styles provided. Look up the word “style” in the Help system for guidance. Your figures, tables, and diagrams, if computer-generated, should be placed within this document, with text placed/flowed around them. These figures may have been created in a spreadsheet or graphics program; you should simplify them so that they are easily readable (text size at least 8 point), and fit them into one column (or make them wider, if needed, with text from the second column flowing around them – see example below). For the CD-ROM version of your paper, we prefer to have color figures and graphics, where appropriate; these will be viewable in color through the CD-ROM’s browser (Acrobat Reader), but you should assure that they will be understandable when printed to a B&W printer. Your text should flow completely to the foot of the page. On 8.5x11 sheets, the top of your title (and the top line on each succeeding page) should be 0.67” from the top, and the columns should continue to within 0.67” of the bottom. If you are using A4 paper, then you may need to adjust the borders in this template file. In “Page Setup”, select “paper size” of A4; then select “Margins” and set left and right to 13.8 mm, and top and bottom to 25.2 mm. The gutter between columns should already be about 5 mm; it can be set under Format/Columns. Figure 1: Each figure should have a caption. Most figures should stay within the column, but larger figures and tables can spread across both columns. Discussion 3 Section Header Text about the next steps in your analysis Conclusions Place conclusions here. Acknowledgments Place acknowledgments here, if needed. References 1. Downey, D. F. et al, Ion Implantation Technology, Prentice-Hall (New York, 1993), pp. 65-67. [A book reference …] 2. Wasserman, Y, “Integrated Single-Wafer RP Solutions for 0.25-micron Technologies,” IEEE Trans-CPMT-A, Vol. 17, No. 3 (1995), pp. 346-351. [A reference to a journal article …] 3. Shu, William K., “PBGA Wire Bonding Development,” Proc 46th Electronic Components and Technology Conf, Orlando, FL, May. 1996, pp. 219-225. 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