Non equilibrium carriers of charge in theory of thermoelectric phenomena
Y. Gurevich, G. Logvinov
, O. Titov
, I. Volovichev
Departamento de Física, CINVESTAV del I.P.N., Apartado Postal 14-740, 07000, D.F., México, México
SEPI-ESIME Culhuacán, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Av. Santa Ana 1000, Col. San Francisco, Culhuacán, C.P. 04430, D.F., México, México
O. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 12 Acad.Proskury St., C.P. 61085, Kharkov, Ukraine.
We suggest a new approach for describing the thermoelectric phenomena in semiconductor structures. This approach takes into account that carriers of both signs (electrons and holes) contribute in these phenomena in the real circuits. It is shown that for the correct description of the thermoelectric phenomena in bipolar systems it is necessary to consider the nonequilibrium carriers even in the linear approximation by an electric field. For that, it was accounted for the first time the inhomogeneous thermal generation and recombination in the presence of the temperature field.
In the offered report there is stated the theory of thermoelectric phenomena in semiconductor structures with accounting the generation and recombination processes in multi-temperature approximation. The basis of this theory is following: