The law of thermoelectric induction and its application for expanding the opportunities of thermoelectricity

L.I. Anatychuk

Institute of Thermoelectricity, General Post Office, Box 86, 58002, Ukraine

Nowadays the applications of thermoelectricity are based on the use of energy converter models reproducing conditions for the origination of Seebeck and Peltier effects, more rarely Nernst-Ettingshausen and Ettingshausen effects, even more rarely – transverse Seebeck effect in anisotropic medium. This traditional approach in thermoelectricity is rather limited, as long as it is based on particular models that do not realize all the opportunities of thermoelectricity.

A more general approach to the creation of thermoelectric energy converter models is based on the use of the law of thermoelectric induction [1]. Similar to the law of electromagnetic induction that is the basis for electrical engineering devices, the law of thermoelectric induction allows finding a lot of new thermoelement models based on the excitation of currents under the influence of temperature and other fields in conducting media.

Computer methods are presented for discovering new thermoelement types based on the law of thermoelectric induction. Examples of such applications are given that, in particular, have lead to creating thermoelectric energy converters in the form of spiral structures, similar to electrical engineering products.

Possibilities of using the law of thermoelectric induction both for improving the efficiency of thermoelectric energy conversion and expanding their functional properties that in general expand the possibilities of thermoelectricity applications have been analyzed. Examples of such applications for the development of thermal generators, coolers and measuring instruments have been given.

1. L.I.Anatychuk. Thermoelectricity. Volume 1. Physics of Thermoelectricity. – Institute of Thermoelectricity, Kyiv, Chernivtsi, 1998.