Address Section:
Prefix First name Family name
Organization: Address1: Address2: City: State: Zip: Country:
Be sure to include your full country code in your phone numbers! Phone: FAX: e-mail (required): WWW Link: (Usually has a format like
Fee Section: I will take part in visit of the IFW Dresden social program for accompanying guests excursion to Saxon Switzerland theatre performance (opera "Der Freischütz")
Payment Method: I plan to pay on-site in DM by cash or check (higher fees may apply) payment to follow by check payable in DM bank transfer I agree to pay the above fees using my VISA card I agree to pay the above fees using my MASTERCARD I will FAX my VISA or MASTERCARD number/exp. date to +1.334.887.2604
By check - DM only:
Convert DM (from above) to US$
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date:
I Agree to this use of my card (required)
Visa Information: Travel to Germany may require a visa. An official invitation letter will be sent to registrants who provide the following information: full name (all names from passport), date of birth, citizenship,passport number
Please complete the Address and Fee sections as completely as possible then hit 'Submit'