ICT 97 Registration Form

Address Section:

Prefix First name Family name
City:      State: Zip:
Be sure to include your full country code in your phone numbers! 
   e-mail (required): 
            WWW Link: 
   (Usually has a format like http://www.ifw-dresden.de/)

Fee Section:

I will take part in
visit of the IFW Dresden
social program for accompanying guests
excursion to Saxon Switzerland
theatre performance (opera "Der Freischütz")

Registration Fee (After July 1)

  Unit Price Subtotal
Regular DM 675 DM
Student DM 250 DM
Guest DM 280 DM
Additional ticket for excursion DM 80 DM
Additional ticket for conference banquet DM 100 DM
Additional copy of conference proceedings DM 100 DM
Total   DM

Payment Method:

Bank Transfer Method -  DM only
   - to the following account :
bank Dresdner Bank AG,
Dresden, Germany
account name Institute of Solid State and
Materials Research Dresden
account number 04 104 407 00
bank index 850 800 00
code word XVI ICT'97

By check -  DM only:

  1. payable to
    • Institute of Solid State and Materials Research
    • IFW Dresden
    • Helmholtzstr. 20 D-01069
    • Dresden, Germany
  2. payable in DM.
  3. Indicate: Registration fee ICT'97 - 200 020
  4. full name of attendee
  5. signature.
Credit Card Method -  US$ only

Convert DM (from above) to US$

(click to this WWW site
use the most recent exchange rate
return to this page
with your browser's BACK button
and complete your form) 

Credit Card Number:

Expiration Date:   

I Agree to this use of my card (required)

Visa Information:
Travel to Germany may require a visa. An official invitation letter will be sent to registrants who provide the following information: full name (all names from passport), date of birth, citizenship,passport number


Please complete the Address and Fee sections as completely as possible
then hit 'Submit'

Ulrike Nitzsche  and Cronin Vining