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A.B.Author1, B.C. Author2

1Institute, Address...
2Institute, Address...

This text represents the design of a contribution in the ETS'99 proceedings. The abstract (placed here) should be no more than 6 lines in length.

Submissions may be in camera-ready format, or in electronic form (preferred) together with a hard copy. An original and one copy should be submitted to the organization committee at the registration desk.

Camera-ready copy
Authors should take into account that when preparing layout, copies will be printed to A4 size (210 mm by 297 mm) with approximately 30mm left margin and 20mm right margin. The title, authors names and affiliations must appear centered. They are to be separated by a blank line from each other and the text body. At least one postal address must be given. The title must be in UPPERCASE, excluding element designation. If there are authors from different organizations, affiliation should be printed after every group of authors from one organization.

The text body should be typed with single spacing in two columns. Times Roman or an equivalent proportional font is preferred. If possible, use a laser printer, good inkjet or an electric typewriter with a good quality black ribbon.


A paper may include line drawings, photographs, diagrams and tables. Figures and tables should be placed at their optimum positions throughout the text. If including photographs, please provide originals if possible.

Equations should be centered on lines. If handwritten, use black ink only and not pencil.

All references should be numbered and enclosed in square brackets. The list of references must give the author(s), title of book [1] or journal [2] , publisher and place (for book), volume, year of issue, and number for first page.

Electronic form
Text must be submitted on 3.5 inch floppy disk or sent via E-mail (uuencoded). Disks must be formatted to IBM Windows 95 or 97 standard. File formats accepted are MS Word v6-v7.

1. A.G. Author, An example of book
    references, Publisher, New York, 1971,
    p. 123
2. A.N. Other, J. Thermoelectricity, 53
    (1981), 102.

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