
Third Announcement

European Thermoelectric Society


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September 20th to 21st, 1999
University of Pardubice
Czech Republic

Click here for Program
Click here for Travel Hints

The workshop will be held at the hotel TECHNIK in Lázne Bohdanec in the suburb of Pardubice linked with the railway station of Pardubice by trolleybus line No.3. (30 min ride). Pardubice is the town with 100 000 residents in the distance of 100 km east from Prague and can be easily reached from Prague by rail or road. Express trains leave Prague Main Station on Sunday at 14.50, 15.22, 15.44(IC), 16.22, 17.13, 17.44(IC), 18.43, 19.05 and 21.05 and reach Pardubice in 70 min. A special transport van from the railway station at Pardubice to hotel Technik will also be provided by the organizers on Sunday evening.

For the approach by car from Prague to Pardubice we recommend the highway No. D11 (E67) in the direction Podebrady and Hradec Králové, from which 2km behind Chlumes nad Cidlinou you will turn to the right on the road No.36. It brings you after 19km to Bohdanec, where at the town square with a church you will turn to the right and on the next cross to the left and after 200m you will come to the hotel Technik.

Sunday 19th September:
17.00-22.00 Workshop registration

Monday 20th September:
8.00-9.00 Workshop registration
9.0-12.00 Workshop session
12.00 Lunch
13.00-16.00 Workshop session
17.00 Dinner
18.00-19.30 Pardubice old town tour
19.30 Concert and reception at the Pardubice castle

Tuesday 21th September
9.00-12.00 Workshop session
12.00 Lunch
12.00-17.00 Workshop session
18.00 Closing workshop party

The workshop will consist of 2 invited plenary lectures (40 min) and lectures lasting 20 min including discussion. The space for each poster will be 90cm width x 120cm height. Slides and overhead projector will be available for the oral lectures.

Registration will take place on Sunday, September 19th, from 5pm to 10pm and on Monday, September 20th, between 8am and 9am in the reception area of the hotel Technik, Za školkou 621, 533 41 Lázne Bohdanec Tel. No. 420-40-92213.

The hotel Technik provides conference rooms and accommodation to the conference participants. Payment of the accommodation will be done at the registration. The hotel deposit send with the payment of the workshop fee will be subtracted. The prices are the following:

Single-room………..…….………50 DM/night
1 bed in a double room……....…..30 DM/night

Board for two days (lunch and dinner) will cost 400 Kc (25 DM). Payment at the registration.

The final text of the paper prepared for publication should be submitted to the Organizing committee at the workshop registration desk. All the papers will be published in the ETS’99 Proceedings. The rules for the text preparation are given on the enclosed leaflet. For the oral contributions the maximum length is 6 pages and for the posters 4 pages. The text of the paper can be sent also by E-mail to the Chairman of the Organizing committee.

The official language of the workshop is English.

Camera-ready manuscript:
September 20th, 1999

Authors Instructions are available online in HTML, MS Word (*.doc) and Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf)

Ongoing information on the ETS’99 can be found on the World Wide Web: http://www.its.org/ets/etsw99.html, including the registration form.


Prof. H.Scherrer (France)
Prof. S.Scherrer (France)
Prof.A.Heinrich (Germany)
Prof.J.Horák (Czech Republic)
Prof.M.Sainz-Bobi (Spain)
Dr.J.Stolzer (Germany)
J.Stockholm (France)
Prof.M.Rowe (United Kingdom)
Dr.C.B.Vining (USA)


Ladislav Koudelka (chairman)
Petr Lošták
Ladislav Tichý
Cestmír Drašar
Simeon Karamazov

Address for all correspondence

Dr. Ladislav Koudelka
ETS’99 Organizing committee
Faculty of Chemical Technology
University of Pardubice
532 10 Pardubice
Tel: +420-40-6037166
Fax: +420-40-6037068
E-mail: ets99@its.org

Registration Form
5th European workshop on thermoelectrics - ETS’99 Pardubice

Enter your Family Name and hit Submit:

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