Second Announcement

European Thermoelectric Society


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September 20th to 21st, 1999
University of Pardubice
Czech Republic


The workshop will enable to people involved in the activities of the European Thermoelectric Society to meet and discuss the topics of all fields of thermoelectricity including experimental, theoretical and applied aspects.

Topics will include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Thermoelectric materials
  2. Measuring methods
  3. Thermoelectric generators, coolers and heat pumps
  4. Thermoelectric devices and systems containing thermoelectric components

The workshop will consist of 2 invited plenary lectures (40 min) and lectures lasting 20 min including discussion. Posters can be also presented.

A special lecture will be devoted to the summary of the International Conference on Thermoelectrics at Baltimore.


Contributed papers for oral and poster presentation are invited for the above listed workshop topics. Oral presentation will be selected by scientific committee. All contributions will be included in the Proceedings. Participants who wish to submit an oral presentation or a poster should send one page abstract (A4 form, 3 cm margin) to the organizing committee by mail or electronic mail. The deadline for abstracts is May 1st, 1999. On its back side denote if oral or poster presentation is preferred. The abstract book will be delivered to the participants at the registration Instructions for the preparation of camera-ready papers (4-6 pages) for the workshop proceedings will be mailed in July, participants will deliver their manuscripts at the registration.

The final announcement will be sent to participants in July 1999 with the detail information on traveling to the workshop site and workshop program.


Please, fill the registration form and send it to the organizers before June 1st, 1999.

The registration must be accompanied by full payment of the fees. Registration fee is 3000 Kc (170 DM, 100 USD, 90 Euro) and 2100 Kc (120 DM) for students.

The registration fee covers the organizing expenses, coffee break refreshments, admission to a social meeting at the castle of Pardubice, workshop proceedings and other printed matters.

Registration fee and hotel deposit should be send to the bank Cs. sporitelna, Trida Miru 72, 531 07 Pardubice, Czech Republic, account of the CS VSCHT Pardubice, Ceska spolecnost prumyslove chemie, No. 1405259-568/0800, var.symbol: ETS99.


The hotel Technik provides conference rooms and accommodation to the conference participants. A hotel deposit of 50 DM is required with the reservation. Complete payment will be made at the presentation. The prices are the following:

single room………..…….………50 DM/night

1 bed in a double room……....….30 DM/night

Board for two days (lunch, dinner) will cost 400 Kc (25 DM). Payment at the registration.


The workshop will be held at the hotel TECHNIK in the suburb of Pardubice linked with the railway station of Pardubice by trolleybus line No.3. (30 min ride). A special transport from the railway station will also be provided by the organizers on Sunday evening.

Pardubice is the town with 100 000 residents in the distance of 100 km east from Prague and can be easily reached from Prague by rail or road. Express trains from Prague Main Station go about every 2 hours and reach Pardubice in 80 min. Ongoing information on the ETS’99 can be found on the World Wide Web:, including the registration form.


Submission of abstracts: May 1st, 1999
Notification of presentation form: June 15th, 1999
Registration form: June 1st, 1999
Payment of registration fee: June 1st, 1999
Camera-ready manuscript:   September 20th, 1999


Prof. H.Scherrer (France)
Prof. S.Scherrer (France)
Prof.A.Heinrich (Germany)
Prof.J.Horák (Czech Republic)
Prof.M.Sainz-Bobi (Spain)
Dr.J.Stolzer (Germany)
J.Stockholm (France)
Prof.M.Rowe (United Kingdom)
Dr.C.B.Vining (USA)


Ladislav Koudelka (chairman)
Petr Lošták
Ladislav Tichý
Cestmír Drašar
Simeon Karamazov

Address for all correspondence

Dr. Ladislav Koudelka
ETS’99 Organizing committee
Faculty of Chemical Technology
University of Pardubice
532 10 Pardubice
Tel: +420-40-6037166
Fax: +420-40-6037068

Registration Form
5th European workshop on thermoelectrics - ETS’99 Pardubice

Enter your Family Name and hit Submit:

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