4th European Workshop on Thermoelectrics

September 17-18th, 1998. Madrid, Spain

Organized by

Sponsored by

Scope of the Workshop

The fourth European workshop follows the concept of those previously held in Dresden 1994, Nancy 1995 and Cardiff 1996. The workshop will address all aspects of Thermoelectric activities in Europe, and will be of interest to scientists, engineers and well-informed members of the public and private sectors. Special interest will be put on applications of the thermoelectricity, it will be a very good opportunity to discuss problems related to industrial applications.

Scientific Program

The scientific programme will consist of invited lectures, and presentations. Authors wishing to present a communication should send and extended abstract (1 page) before June 25th. Papers on, but not limited to, the following topics are welcome:

1 Applications

2 Thermoelectric materials

3 Basic aspects of thermoelectricity

Preliminary Program

Paper Format

Please, click here to find the guidelines and templates (Word and WordPerfect) for the papers.


The registration fee, which includes the proceedings, light refreshments and membership of ETS is:

Possible modes of payment:

Currency Converter

All participants must register to the conference, by mail or using your browser. Optionally, participants may register for Social Activities such us the Post Conference excursion to Toledo, but they do not have to register for the reception at the City Hall or for the Banquet (which are Free for participants).

All accompaning persons must register individually for Social Activities such us the Banquet, but they do not have to register for the reception at the City Hall (which is also Free for accompaning persons).


A limited number of rooms have been reserved in the following hotels close to the workshop venue. To obtain the prices shown, please mention "ETS'98 Workshop" and make the reservation before July 31st.

Hotel Meliá Madrid ****
Princesa 27, E-28008 Madrid.
Tel. +34 91 541-8200, Fax. +34 91 541-1905
Single Room: 17.500 pesetas + 7% VAT
Double Room: 19.500 pesetas + 7% VAT
(Breakfast included)
Hotel Tirol ***
Marqués de Urquijo 4, E-28008 Madrid.
Tel. +34 91 548-1900, Fax. +34 91 541-3958
Single Room: 9.000 pesetas + 7% VAT
Double Room: 11.250 pesetas + 7% VAT
(Breakfast included)
Information about Madrid

Scientific Committee

Organising Committee


Deadline for abstracts June 25
Notice of acceptance and instruction for authors July 20
Full paper September 17

ETS'98 Organizing Committee
IIT, Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica
Santa Cruz de Marcenado, 26
E-28015 Madrid, Spain

Fax: +34 1 542-3176
Phone: +34 1 541-9641
E-mail: ets98@iit.upcomillas.es

Updated on July 20, 1998