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C2: Automotive

Martin Cleary1, Yanliang Zhang2, Lakshmikanth Meda3, Xiaowei Wang1, Giri Joshi1, Jian Yang1, Mike Engber1 and Yi Ma1
1GMZ Energy, 2Boise State University, 3Eberspaecher North America, Inc. 

Typical diesel engines have a peak efficiency of ~45 %, with the majority of the energy lost as waste heat to the exhaust. The installation of a Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) in the exhaust system generates electrical power, which offsets the alternator engine load, and improves the vehicle fuel efficiency. A TEG was designed and fabricated using CFD simulations. The TEG contained eighty 40 x 40 x 5 mm3 packaged modules, where nano-structured Hf0.5Zr0.5 CoSb0.8Sn0.2 (peak ZT=0.9 at 700 °C) and Hf0.5Zr0.25Ti0.25NiSb0.99Sn0.01 (peak ZT=1 at 500 °C) were the p- and n-type materials, respectively. The TEG consisted of two 40-module arrays between a single hot side plate-fin heat exchanger and two aluminum cold plates. This TEG is a modular component of a TEG designed for a 1 kW power output. The TEG was tested on three occasions, for up to three hours, under exhaust conditions representative of a diesel engine, where the gas temperature and mass flow rate were 550 °C and 0.09 kg/s, respectively. The water coolant temperature and flow rate were 10 °C and 0.15 kg/s, respectively.  A maximum power output of 270 W was measured, which CFD simulations predict is scalable to 1 kW for the full-scale TEG.