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A3: High temperature materials
PbSe is cost effective over PbTe and has been a good potential p-type thermoelectric material, showing zT >1.(1) Recently, highly efficient thermoelectric materials have been reported with nano scattering technique. So, in this study, we selected EuSe as the nano scattering agent. Another advantage of using EuSe is that it increases the band gap which is favorable to high temperature application.(2)
Here, we synthesize and characterize p-type doped Pb1-xEuxSe :Na(1%) and Pb0.99-yEu0.01Se: Na(y%) using combination of co-melting and Spark Plasma Sintering methods. Thermoelectric , thermomagnetic, and galvanomagnetic properties (electrical resistivity, Seebeck, Hall, and Nernst coefficients) are measured and reported, along with Magnetization and Magnetoresistance. We found out that magnetic scattering is dominant in Pb1-xEuxSe, showing negative magnetoresistance.
This work was supported as part of the “Revolutionary Materials for Solid State Energy Conversion (RMSSEC),” an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science.
(1) Yeseul Lee et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 2013, 5152-5160
(2)Arnim Lambrecht et al., J. Cryst. Growth 108, 1991, 301-308