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A2: Medium temperature materials
Recently, we have reported that the chalcopyrite-based materials Cu1-xFe1+xS2 and Cu1-xZnxFeS2 exhibit a thermoelectric power factor of 1 mW/K2m at 300-400 K [1,2]. The high power-factor near room temperature is important for thermoelectric generation because a significant part of waste heat resides in this temperature range. Furthermore, the chalcopyrite-based alloys consist of environmentally-friendly and abundant elements. Hence, these alloys are attractive thermoelectric materials. One problem is their relatively high thermal conductivity of about 5-6 W/Km at 400 K [1]. Here we report thermoelectric properties of a related compound, Cu9Fe9S16, known as mooihoekite. The unit cell of Cu9Fe9S16 is twice as large as that of CuFeS2. Hence, a lower thermal conductivity can be expected. We have prepared a sintered sample of Cu9Fe9S16. Thermal conductivity at room temperature was found to be 2-3 W/Km, much smaller than that of chalcopyrite-based alloys. Therefore, the mooihoekite-based alloy can also make a promising thermoelectric material by optimizing carrier concentration.
[1] N. Tsujii and T. Mori, Appl. Phys. Exp. 6 (2013) 043001.
[2] N. Tsujii, T. Mori, and Y. Isoda, J. Elec. Mater. (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s11664-014-3072-y